Unification of Shopfronts, Böszörményi út
The plans for unifying the shopfronts in the high street of Hegyvidék (XII. district of Budapest) is part of the settlement development program of the local municipality. In cooperation with V2G architecture studio, we inspected the facades and prepared the restoration and development plans. The aim was not redesign but cultivation, and we accomplished this with cleaning the surfaces, colouring (e. g. same colour footings), or unified signage.
DESCRIPTION: Renovation of shopfronts at Böszörményi út
location: Böszörményi út, Budapest XII.
client: 12th District Municipality
DESIGN: 2018
LEAD ARCHITECT: Zoltán Galina, Piroska Varga DLA
ARCHITECT: Viktor Kis, Borbála Papp, Zoltán Csibi